
Beme srl, a leading company in the sector of Metal Polishing is based in Northern Italy, one hour away from Milan, where world's largest tap industry is concentrated. BEME SRL with a well-known mission, starts its activity in 1988 with an important mission: restore the sector and change the traditional polishing systems, innovate the processes making them more versatile and functional. In fact the objective is not only to reach frontline operational systems but also manageability for all polishing processes.

Having this vision and this knowledge of tap manufacturers' technical needs, we design non conventional Manual Machines, Semiautomatic Machines and Robots, for the polishing of any kind of metal in many sectors such as taps, furniture, fashion, nautical, sports and appliances. Each machine, in its own type, can work independently to follow a determined process. Also, according to production needs, the operation of each machine can be alternated to obtain a greater competitiveness in the results.

BEME srl is part of the S.O.S. ITALIA group, a group of Italian factories manufacturing machinery and specialised installations in the tap sector, from casting, lathing, grinding, polishing, chrome-plating, air depuration, to assembly, aiming at meeting all the needs of world's tap manufacturers.

S.O.S ITALIA with certification ISO 9001 and AMEX Europe has become a standard to follow in the faucet producer Italian industry.

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